How To’s
Here you can find multiple handy tips from practical situations useful in Java programming
Finding the Longest Common Substring Between Two Strings in Java
Finding the longest common substring between two strings is a common problem in programming, especially when…
Adding and Subtracting Days from a Date in Java
Imagine having a superpower that lets you move days forward and backward—like skipping to your next…
Calculating Dates Difference in Java
Imagine you’re a time detective, solving mysteries about dates—like figuring out just how many days you’ve…
Convert a String to Date
So, you’ve got yourself a string that looks suspiciously like a date, and you want to…
Getting the Current Date and Time in Java
Retrieving the current date and time in Java has evolved from the Date class to java.time…
Check if Two Strings Are Anagrams
An anagram is a fun little concept in programming that checks whether two strings are having…
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